An Ohio wrestling coach and booster who organized tournaments that gave him access to hundreds of young athletes over several decades has been accused of child endangerment and hazing.Bart Freidenberg, who is currently the sports director for.An attorney for Freidenberg, Mark Minister, declined to speak to NBC News. Jordan’s office also said at the time that Jordan “never saw any abuse, never heard about any abuse, and never had any abuse reported to him during his time as a coach at Ohio State.”.And Jordan freshly denied the allegations last week, per CNN.“The idea that I wouldn’t stand up for these athletes is ridiculous. When one Plaintiff asked Strauss to explain the room lights off/headlamp behavior, Strauss said he was checking for skin rashes and STDs.
".Previously, Jordan has repeatedly denied knowing of the alleged abuse by Strauss. "As you can imagine, the situation is fluid, and at this juncture, it’s a 'no comment' situation," Minister said.The incident allegedly happened in June 2018 while the Ohio All-Star Wrestling Team, the team Freidenberg coached, was renting school facilities in Franklin, Ohio, before leaving for a wrestling tour on the West Coast, according to a press release from Franklin police chief Russ Whitman. While some former Ohio State wrestlers have publicly said that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) must have known about the abuse during Jordan’s tenure as an assistant wrestling coach from 1987 to … That’s the kind of cover-up that’s going on here.”,The lawsuit said OSU “funneled Plaintiffs and other student-athletes to Strauss with assembly-line efficiency, whereupon Strauss cornered and sexually assaulted them. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED is a registered trademark of ABG-SI LLC. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Let our news meet your inbox. ",Jordan was employed as an assistant coach for the wrestling team.Got a confidential news tip?
I wrestled at The Ohio State University for Coach Jordan in the years 1993 to 1998.
An Ohio wrestling coach and booster who organized tournaments that gave him access to hundreds of young athletes over several decades has been accused of child endangerment and hazing.Bart Freidenberg, who is currently the sports director for.An attorney for Freidenberg, Mark Minister, declined to speak to NBC News. Jordan’s office also said at the time that Jordan “never saw any abuse, never heard about any abuse, and never had any abuse reported to him during his time as a coach at Ohio State.”.And Jordan freshly denied the allegations last week, per CNN.“The idea that I wouldn’t stand up for these athletes is ridiculous. When one Plaintiff asked Strauss to explain the room lights off/headlamp behavior, Strauss said he was checking for skin rashes and STDs.
".Previously, Jordan has repeatedly denied knowing of the alleged abuse by Strauss. "As you can imagine, the situation is fluid, and at this juncture, it’s a 'no comment' situation," Minister said.The incident allegedly happened in June 2018 while the Ohio All-Star Wrestling Team, the team Freidenberg coached, was renting school facilities in Franklin, Ohio, before leaving for a wrestling tour on the West Coast, according to a press release from Franklin police chief Russ Whitman. While some former Ohio State wrestlers have publicly said that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) must have known about the abuse during Jordan’s tenure as an assistant wrestling coach from 1987 to … That’s the kind of cover-up that’s going on here.”,The lawsuit said OSU “funneled Plaintiffs and other student-athletes to Strauss with assembly-line efficiency, whereupon Strauss cornered and sexually assaulted them. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED is a registered trademark of ABG-SI LLC. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Let our news meet your inbox. ",Jordan was employed as an assistant coach for the wrestling team.Got a confidential news tip?
I wrestled at The Ohio State University for Coach Jordan in the years 1993 to 1998.
An Ohio wrestling coach and booster who organized tournaments that gave him access to hundreds of young athletes over several decades has been accused of child endangerment and hazing.Bart Freidenberg, who is currently the sports director for.An attorney for Freidenberg, Mark Minister, declined to speak to NBC News. Jordan’s office also said at the time that Jordan “never saw any abuse, never heard about any abuse, and never had any abuse reported to him during his time as a coach at Ohio State.”.And Jordan freshly denied the allegations last week, per CNN.“The idea that I wouldn’t stand up for these athletes is ridiculous. When one Plaintiff asked Strauss to explain the room lights off/headlamp behavior, Strauss said he was checking for skin rashes and STDs.
".Previously, Jordan has repeatedly denied knowing of the alleged abuse by Strauss. "As you can imagine, the situation is fluid, and at this juncture, it’s a 'no comment' situation," Minister said.The incident allegedly happened in June 2018 while the Ohio All-Star Wrestling Team, the team Freidenberg coached, was renting school facilities in Franklin, Ohio, before leaving for a wrestling tour on the West Coast, according to a press release from Franklin police chief Russ Whitman. While some former Ohio State wrestlers have publicly said that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) must have known about the abuse during Jordan’s tenure as an assistant wrestling coach from 1987 to … That’s the kind of cover-up that’s going on here.”,The lawsuit said OSU “funneled Plaintiffs and other student-athletes to Strauss with assembly-line efficiency, whereupon Strauss cornered and sexually assaulted them. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED is a registered trademark of ABG-SI LLC. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Let our news meet your inbox. ",Jordan was employed as an assistant coach for the wrestling team.Got a confidential news tip?
What was a shock to me is that Strauss tried to do that to me. I was not having it. Jordan, who became a congressman in 2007, was an assistant wrestling coach at the university from 1986 to 1994. “He has helped with records, photography and obtaining bios of state tournament qualifiers.”.Corky Siemaszko is a senior writer for NBC News Digital.Elizabeth Chuck is a reporter for NBC News.Bart Freidenberg claimed to have been the “wrestling manager” at Ohio State University from 1979 to 1982, which is the same time frame that team doctor Richard Strauss was allegedly sexually abusing wrestlers.Get breaking news alerts and special reports.
The news and stories that matters, delivered weekday mornings.Powerful GOP Rep. Jim Jordan accused of turning blind eye to sexual abuse as Ohio State wrestling coach. All Rights Reserved. Other times he had them sit on a bench and spread their legs; he would then roll across the floor on a wheeled stool and stick his face deep between their legs to perform his exam. ",Jordan and Hellickson replied, "Yeah, that's Strauss. And I went out and told Russ and Jim what happened. He has denied all wrongdoing. He was connected to an OSU Athletics Department employee," the suit says. “I mean these are guys I trained with, these are guys I worked out with, I ran with, wrestled with, and the idea that now they are saying what they are, it’s just not true.”,But Vazquez recalled being molested by Strauss and then telling Jordan about the abuse.
I wrestled at The Ohio State University for Coach Jordan in the years 1993 to 1998.
An Ohio wrestling coach and booster who organized tournaments that gave him access to hundreds of young athletes over several decades has been accused of child endangerment and hazing.Bart Freidenberg, who is currently the sports director for.An attorney for Freidenberg, Mark Minister, declined to speak to NBC News. Jordan’s office also said at the time that Jordan “never saw any abuse, never heard about any abuse, and never had any abuse reported to him during his time as a coach at Ohio State.”.And Jordan freshly denied the allegations last week, per CNN.“The idea that I wouldn’t stand up for these athletes is ridiculous. When one Plaintiff asked Strauss to explain the room lights off/headlamp behavior, Strauss said he was checking for skin rashes and STDs.
".Previously, Jordan has repeatedly denied knowing of the alleged abuse by Strauss. "As you can imagine, the situation is fluid, and at this juncture, it’s a 'no comment' situation," Minister said.The incident allegedly happened in June 2018 while the Ohio All-Star Wrestling Team, the team Freidenberg coached, was renting school facilities in Franklin, Ohio, before leaving for a wrestling tour on the West Coast, according to a press release from Franklin police chief Russ Whitman. While some former Ohio State wrestlers have publicly said that Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) must have known about the abuse during Jordan’s tenure as an assistant wrestling coach from 1987 to … That’s the kind of cover-up that’s going on here.”,The lawsuit said OSU “funneled Plaintiffs and other student-athletes to Strauss with assembly-line efficiency, whereupon Strauss cornered and sexually assaulted them. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED is a registered trademark of ABG-SI LLC. The news and stories that matter, delivered weekday mornings.Let our news meet your inbox. ",Jordan was employed as an assistant coach for the wrestling team.Got a confidential news tip?