0000048766 00000 n 1969). 25 71 0000029717 00000 n

Holotype: Syntypes - Including ZMB 3381 (3 specimens). 0000014258 00000 n 0000032712 00000 n 0000004256 00000 n 0000034645 00000 n Atelopus cruciger is a critically endangered frog believed to be extinct until recent sightings revealed populations at four sites. 0000033937 00000 n No,The main sources of food for these frogs are ants and other small.However, the species has undergone a dramatic decline,10.2305/IUCN.UK.2004.RLTS.T54502A11152124.en,"Atelopus cruciger - Rancho Grande Harlequin Frog",https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Atelopus_cruciger&oldid=972257281,IUCN Red List critically endangered species,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Estos sapitos desaparecieron durante los años 80 y 90, y ninguna de sus especies puede ser localizada hoy excepto el sapito rayado, Atelopus cruciger (Rodríguez-Contreras et al., 2008). We would also like to thank; B. Vilette, J. v/d Meulen, G. Benaets, G. Bartelds, E. Twomey, C. Barrio, D. Mejia Vargas, J. Meere, E. La Marca, S. Lötters and.Half of the amount of the world’s amphibian species could vanish within our lifetime, resulting in the single largest mass extinction since the disappearance of the dinosaurs.New species are still found every year. 0000005229 00000 n Citing this page: Tree of Life Web Project. 0000051740 00000 n Frost, Darrel R. (2009) , database. ޖ�J�{�,;�n�j�����(FT��2��M%��6�7v�_�kxPŞ�r�K1����4:�_�9D�����]j�8v��.�N��N����=A\΋�hb�R�ԖU���ּ421K�OUg����z��#�(�'�+�U����������o�}�Wn�����[Ǡ'�;��F�'@�x�US�^9:��:��$�����Q�����ZDr�f�\J4����Ӏ�kwA;�`�0�GG���r���V�K���%���9U�t�ʘ�J����|�&��x�� y?�;����a�e���`���0��&ysF��A�/Q�U�3ʦ� �?�|�~zg��0�����t�����*��r��C 0000048149 00000 n 0000059057 00000 n Atelopus cruciger (Lichtenstein and Martens, 1856) Taxonomic Serial No. 0000035882 00000 n The snout is pointed in dorsal view. Видът е критично застрашен от изчезване. 0000025089 00000 n Atelopus is a large genus of true toads, commonly known as harlequin toads or stubfoot … 0000015217 00000 n 0000022211 00000 n 0000005463 00000 n

0000043985 00000 n 0000034865 00000 n 1000 m above sea level), Estado Aragua, Venezuela". Ҍ@� � BPq� Atelopus cruciger és una espècie d'amfibi pertanyent a la família dels bufònids, la qual va desaparèixer durant gairebé 20 anys fins que una petita població va ésser redescoberta el 2004. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference v5.3,(2004) , database, Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference,Frost, Darrel R. (1997) , Amphibian Species of the World, A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 0000035038 00000 n Version 24 November 2008 (temporary). Was disapeared from 1982-2001 until it was rediscovered. 1) on 11 October 2005. 0000035201 00000 n x�b```f``ga`g`�Ld`@ 6�(G�Î�O``X%��@�dt-�d���(��H? 25 0 obj <> endobj 1.0 1.1; 6.0 6.1; Mga sumpay ha gawas The hind limbs are relatively long. 0000044512 00000 n <<4E756436C4AB954086F439350342F4ED>]>> 0000036529 00000 n 0000021903 00000 n 0000032351 00000 n 0000024832 00000 n �� ���UѶ.�U�����ힰ�v��Nwv�̜?��3g�����?bi��X,bKP���!��y!�kE)OA��l�6sYf���������[|j T6@�P�@U/B,X,i����������H�&�xa�� It has been found on altitudes between 30-2200 meter above sea level (asl) in … 0000002151 00000 n 0000021955 00000 n

0000006835 00000 n 0000053562 00000 n %%EOF Atelopus is a large genus of true toads, commonly known as harlequin toads or stubfoot toads, from Central and South America, ranging as far north as Costa Rica and as far south as Bolivia. 0000034285 00000 n None of these species had been observed since the mid 1980s until recently, when an adult female of Atelopus mucubajiensis and several adults of A. cruciger were rediscovered. 0000020935 00000 n 0000029150 00000 n 0000003328 00000 n PLATE 1 Atelopus cruciger adult male sighted at Rı´o Cata (location 4 on Fig. PLATE 1 Atelopus cruciger adult male sighted at Rı´o Cata (location 4 on Fig. Rediscovery of Atelopus cruciger - Argelia Rodrígez-Contreras, J. Celsa Señaris, Margarita Lampo, Ramón Rivero -.Jesús Manzanilla, Enrique La Marca, Ronald Heyer, Ernesto Fernández-Badillo 2004.We respect copyrights and we expect you to do the same with our website and all the diffrent authors that have choosen to let us use their material like photos, videos or information.To build the content of this website we recieved alot help and pictures. 0000053323 00000 n 1000 m above sea level), Estado Aragua, Venezuela". Photo: F. Rojas.

Atelopus cruciger là một loài cóc trong họ Bufonidae.Nó là loài đặc hữu của Venezuela.Trong nhiều năm, loài này được xem là đã tuyệt chủng dù đã có nỗ lực đáng kể tìm kiếm chúng nhưng người ta không phát hiện ra con nào.
0000048766 00000 n 1969). 25 71 0000029717 00000 n

Holotype: Syntypes - Including ZMB 3381 (3 specimens). 0000014258 00000 n 0000032712 00000 n 0000004256 00000 n 0000034645 00000 n Atelopus cruciger is a critically endangered frog believed to be extinct until recent sightings revealed populations at four sites. 0000033937 00000 n No,The main sources of food for these frogs are ants and other small.However, the species has undergone a dramatic decline,10.2305/IUCN.UK.2004.RLTS.T54502A11152124.en,"Atelopus cruciger - Rancho Grande Harlequin Frog",https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Atelopus_cruciger&oldid=972257281,IUCN Red List critically endangered species,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Estos sapitos desaparecieron durante los años 80 y 90, y ninguna de sus especies puede ser localizada hoy excepto el sapito rayado, Atelopus cruciger (Rodríguez-Contreras et al., 2008). We would also like to thank; B. Vilette, J. v/d Meulen, G. Benaets, G. Bartelds, E. Twomey, C. Barrio, D. Mejia Vargas, J. Meere, E. La Marca, S. Lötters and.Half of the amount of the world’s amphibian species could vanish within our lifetime, resulting in the single largest mass extinction since the disappearance of the dinosaurs.New species are still found every year. 0000005229 00000 n Citing this page: Tree of Life Web Project. 0000051740 00000 n Frost, Darrel R. (2009) , database. ޖ�J�{�,;�n�j�����(FT��2��M%��6�7v�_�kxPŞ�r�K1����4:�_�9D�����]j�8v��.�N��N����=A\΋�hb�R�ԖU���ּ421K�OUg����z��#�(�'�+�U����������o�}�Wn�����[Ǡ'�;��F�'@�x�US�^9:��:��$�����Q�����ZDr�f�\J4����Ӏ�kwA;�`�0�GG���r���V�K���%���9U�t�ʘ�J����|�&��x�� y?�;����a�e���`���0��&ysF��A�/Q�U�3ʦ� �?�|�~zg��0�����t�����*��r��C 0000048149 00000 n 0000059057 00000 n Atelopus cruciger (Lichtenstein and Martens, 1856) Taxonomic Serial No. 0000035882 00000 n The snout is pointed in dorsal view. Видът е критично застрашен от изчезване. 0000025089 00000 n Atelopus is a large genus of true toads, commonly known as harlequin toads or stubfoot … 0000015217 00000 n 0000022211 00000 n 0000005463 00000 n

0000043985 00000 n 0000034865 00000 n 1000 m above sea level), Estado Aragua, Venezuela". Ҍ@� � BPq� Atelopus cruciger és una espècie d'amfibi pertanyent a la família dels bufònids, la qual va desaparèixer durant gairebé 20 anys fins que una petita població va ésser redescoberta el 2004. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference v5.3,(2004) , database, Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference,Frost, Darrel R. (1997) , Amphibian Species of the World, A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 0000035038 00000 n Version 24 November 2008 (temporary). Was disapeared from 1982-2001 until it was rediscovered. 1) on 11 October 2005. 0000035201 00000 n x�b```f``ga`g`�Ld`@ 6�(G�Î�O``X%��@�dt-�d���(��H? 25 0 obj <> endobj 1.0 1.1; 6.0 6.1; Mga sumpay ha gawas The hind limbs are relatively long. 0000044512 00000 n <<4E756436C4AB954086F439350342F4ED>]>> 0000036529 00000 n 0000021903 00000 n 0000032351 00000 n 0000024832 00000 n �� ���UѶ.�U�����ힰ�v��Nwv�̜?��3g�����?bi��X,bKP���!��y!�kE)OA��l�6sYf���������[|j T6@�P�@U/B,X,i����������H�&�xa�� It has been found on altitudes between 30-2200 meter above sea level (asl) in … 0000002151 00000 n 0000021955 00000 n

0000006835 00000 n 0000053562 00000 n %%EOF Atelopus is a large genus of true toads, commonly known as harlequin toads or stubfoot toads, from Central and South America, ranging as far north as Costa Rica and as far south as Bolivia. 0000034285 00000 n None of these species had been observed since the mid 1980s until recently, when an adult female of Atelopus mucubajiensis and several adults of A. cruciger were rediscovered. 0000020935 00000 n 0000029150 00000 n 0000003328 00000 n PLATE 1 Atelopus cruciger adult male sighted at Rı´o Cata (location 4 on Fig. PLATE 1 Atelopus cruciger adult male sighted at Rı´o Cata (location 4 on Fig. Rediscovery of Atelopus cruciger - Argelia Rodrígez-Contreras, J. Celsa Señaris, Margarita Lampo, Ramón Rivero -.Jesús Manzanilla, Enrique La Marca, Ronald Heyer, Ernesto Fernández-Badillo 2004.We respect copyrights and we expect you to do the same with our website and all the diffrent authors that have choosen to let us use their material like photos, videos or information.To build the content of this website we recieved alot help and pictures. 0000053323 00000 n 1000 m above sea level), Estado Aragua, Venezuela". Photo: F. Rojas.

Atelopus cruciger là một loài cóc trong họ Bufonidae.Nó là loài đặc hữu của Venezuela.Trong nhiều năm, loài này được xem là đã tuyệt chủng dù đã có nỗ lực đáng kể tìm kiếm chúng nhưng người ta không phát hiện ra con nào.
0000048766 00000 n 1969). 25 71 0000029717 00000 n

Holotype: Syntypes - Including ZMB 3381 (3 specimens). 0000014258 00000 n 0000032712 00000 n 0000004256 00000 n 0000034645 00000 n Atelopus cruciger is a critically endangered frog believed to be extinct until recent sightings revealed populations at four sites. 0000033937 00000 n No,The main sources of food for these frogs are ants and other small.However, the species has undergone a dramatic decline,10.2305/IUCN.UK.2004.RLTS.T54502A11152124.en,"Atelopus cruciger - Rancho Grande Harlequin Frog",https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Atelopus_cruciger&oldid=972257281,IUCN Red List critically endangered species,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Estos sapitos desaparecieron durante los años 80 y 90, y ninguna de sus especies puede ser localizada hoy excepto el sapito rayado, Atelopus cruciger (Rodríguez-Contreras et al., 2008). We would also like to thank; B. Vilette, J. v/d Meulen, G. Benaets, G. Bartelds, E. Twomey, C. Barrio, D. Mejia Vargas, J. Meere, E. La Marca, S. Lötters and.Half of the amount of the world’s amphibian species could vanish within our lifetime, resulting in the single largest mass extinction since the disappearance of the dinosaurs.New species are still found every year. 0000005229 00000 n Citing this page: Tree of Life Web Project. 0000051740 00000 n Frost, Darrel R. (2009) , database. ޖ�J�{�,;�n�j�����(FT��2��M%��6�7v�_�kxPŞ�r�K1����4:�_�9D�����]j�8v��.�N��N����=A\΋�hb�R�ԖU���ּ421K�OUg����z��#�(�'�+�U����������o�}�Wn�����[Ǡ'�;��F�'@�x�US�^9:��:��$�����Q�����ZDr�f�\J4����Ӏ�kwA;�`�0�GG���r���V�K���%���9U�t�ʘ�J����|�&��x�� y?�;����a�e���`���0��&ysF��A�/Q�U�3ʦ� �?�|�~zg��0�����t�����*��r��C 0000048149 00000 n 0000059057 00000 n Atelopus cruciger (Lichtenstein and Martens, 1856) Taxonomic Serial No. 0000035882 00000 n The snout is pointed in dorsal view. Видът е критично застрашен от изчезване. 0000025089 00000 n Atelopus is a large genus of true toads, commonly known as harlequin toads or stubfoot … 0000015217 00000 n 0000022211 00000 n 0000005463 00000 n

0000043985 00000 n 0000034865 00000 n 1000 m above sea level), Estado Aragua, Venezuela". Ҍ@� � BPq� Atelopus cruciger és una espècie d'amfibi pertanyent a la família dels bufònids, la qual va desaparèixer durant gairebé 20 anys fins que una petita població va ésser redescoberta el 2004. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference v5.3,(2004) , database, Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference,Frost, Darrel R. (1997) , Amphibian Species of the World, A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 0000035038 00000 n Version 24 November 2008 (temporary). Was disapeared from 1982-2001 until it was rediscovered. 1) on 11 October 2005. 0000035201 00000 n x�b```f``ga`g`�Ld`@ 6�(G�Î�O``X%��@�dt-�d���(��H? 25 0 obj <> endobj 1.0 1.1; 6.0 6.1; Mga sumpay ha gawas The hind limbs are relatively long. 0000044512 00000 n <<4E756436C4AB954086F439350342F4ED>]>> 0000036529 00000 n 0000021903 00000 n 0000032351 00000 n 0000024832 00000 n �� ���UѶ.�U�����ힰ�v��Nwv�̜?��3g�����?bi��X,bKP���!��y!�kE)OA��l�6sYf���������[|j T6@�P�@U/B,X,i����������H�&�xa�� It has been found on altitudes between 30-2200 meter above sea level (asl) in … 0000002151 00000 n 0000021955 00000 n

0000006835 00000 n 0000053562 00000 n %%EOF Atelopus is a large genus of true toads, commonly known as harlequin toads or stubfoot toads, from Central and South America, ranging as far north as Costa Rica and as far south as Bolivia. 0000034285 00000 n None of these species had been observed since the mid 1980s until recently, when an adult female of Atelopus mucubajiensis and several adults of A. cruciger were rediscovered. 0000020935 00000 n 0000029150 00000 n 0000003328 00000 n PLATE 1 Atelopus cruciger adult male sighted at Rı´o Cata (location 4 on Fig. PLATE 1 Atelopus cruciger adult male sighted at Rı´o Cata (location 4 on Fig. Rediscovery of Atelopus cruciger - Argelia Rodrígez-Contreras, J. Celsa Señaris, Margarita Lampo, Ramón Rivero -.Jesús Manzanilla, Enrique La Marca, Ronald Heyer, Ernesto Fernández-Badillo 2004.We respect copyrights and we expect you to do the same with our website and all the diffrent authors that have choosen to let us use their material like photos, videos or information.To build the content of this website we recieved alot help and pictures. 0000053323 00000 n 1000 m above sea level), Estado Aragua, Venezuela". Photo: F. Rojas.

Atelopus cruciger là một loài cóc trong họ Bufonidae.Nó là loài đặc hữu của Venezuela.Trong nhiều năm, loài này được xem là đã tuyệt chủng dù đã có nỗ lực đáng kể tìm kiếm chúng nhưng người ta không phát hiện ra con nào.

Atelopus cruciger

0000023412 00000 n No one knows how many species we never found until it was to late.This website was founded by Dennis Nilsson (Sweden) and Marcus Bartelds (Netherlands) in 2008.A.cruciger - Venezuela. 0000059857 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000002426 00000 n 0000048897 00000 n 0000045536 00000 n Atelopus cruciger Lichtenstein & Martens, 1856 Type locality: "vicinity of Rancho Grande on the road from Maracay to Ocumare de la Costa (ca. Mga kasarigan. Waray hini subspecies nga nakalista. �Z#c�K�'H���C�C���L �����"��3�_����5?����˟z�;5�4~�OgZޮr��V; 0000006288 00000 n Second edition,CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (,International Union for Conservation of Nature,"Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist",https://war.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Atelopus_cruciger&oldid=3082564,IUCN Red List critically endangered species,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.An Wikimedia Commons mayda media nga nahahanungod han. 0000032076 00000 n �K&/�Lޤ�V���ǭ���s���}π�+�,�Q?2Z�"8X�~p��7i0M'���O�=TU+�c����S��mM7v���٧N��''��{{�mv�8!�� An Atelopus cruciger in nahilalakip ha genus nga Atelopus, ngan familia nga Bufonidae. An Atelopus cruciger in uska species han Anura nga syahan ginhulagway ni Lichtenstein ngan Martens hadton 1856. 0000040793 00000 n 0000028641 00000 n Ginklasipika han IUCN an species komo nangangarat-an duro. xref There are small rounded warts present on the dorsolateral surfaces, most prominently around the arm insertions and as a dorsolateral row. The snout is pointed in dorsal view.

0000048766 00000 n 1969). 25 71 0000029717 00000 n

Holotype: Syntypes - Including ZMB 3381 (3 specimens). 0000014258 00000 n 0000032712 00000 n 0000004256 00000 n 0000034645 00000 n Atelopus cruciger is a critically endangered frog believed to be extinct until recent sightings revealed populations at four sites. 0000033937 00000 n No,The main sources of food for these frogs are ants and other small.However, the species has undergone a dramatic decline,10.2305/IUCN.UK.2004.RLTS.T54502A11152124.en,"Atelopus cruciger - Rancho Grande Harlequin Frog",https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Atelopus_cruciger&oldid=972257281,IUCN Red List critically endangered species,Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Estos sapitos desaparecieron durante los años 80 y 90, y ninguna de sus especies puede ser localizada hoy excepto el sapito rayado, Atelopus cruciger (Rodríguez-Contreras et al., 2008). We would also like to thank; B. Vilette, J. v/d Meulen, G. Benaets, G. Bartelds, E. Twomey, C. Barrio, D. Mejia Vargas, J. Meere, E. La Marca, S. Lötters and.Half of the amount of the world’s amphibian species could vanish within our lifetime, resulting in the single largest mass extinction since the disappearance of the dinosaurs.New species are still found every year. 0000005229 00000 n Citing this page: Tree of Life Web Project. 0000051740 00000 n Frost, Darrel R. (2009) , database. ޖ�J�{�,;�n�j�����(FT��2��M%��6�7v�_�kxPŞ�r�K1����4:�_�9D�����]j�8v��.�N��N����=A\΋�hb�R�ԖU���ּ421K�OUg����z��#�(�'�+�U����������o�}�Wn�����[Ǡ'�;��F�'@�x�US�^9:��:��$�����Q�����ZDr�f�\J4����Ӏ�kwA;�`�0�GG���r���V�K���%���9U�t�ʘ�J����|�&��x�� y?�;����a�e���`���0��&ysF��A�/Q�U�3ʦ� �?�|�~zg��0�����t�����*��r��C 0000048149 00000 n 0000059057 00000 n Atelopus cruciger (Lichtenstein and Martens, 1856) Taxonomic Serial No. 0000035882 00000 n The snout is pointed in dorsal view. Видът е критично застрашен от изчезване. 0000025089 00000 n Atelopus is a large genus of true toads, commonly known as harlequin toads or stubfoot … 0000015217 00000 n 0000022211 00000 n 0000005463 00000 n

0000043985 00000 n 0000034865 00000 n 1000 m above sea level), Estado Aragua, Venezuela". Ҍ@� � BPq� Atelopus cruciger és una espècie d'amfibi pertanyent a la família dels bufònids, la qual va desaparèixer durant gairebé 20 anys fins que una petita població va ésser redescoberta el 2004. Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference v5.3,(2004) , database, Amphibian Species of the World: an Online Reference,Frost, Darrel R. (1997) , Amphibian Species of the World, A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 0000035038 00000 n Version 24 November 2008 (temporary). Was disapeared from 1982-2001 until it was rediscovered. 1) on 11 October 2005. 0000035201 00000 n x�b```f``ga`g`�Ld`@ 6�(G�Î�O``X%��@�dt-�d���(��H? 25 0 obj <> endobj 1.0 1.1; 6.0 6.1; Mga sumpay ha gawas The hind limbs are relatively long. 0000044512 00000 n <<4E756436C4AB954086F439350342F4ED>]>> 0000036529 00000 n 0000021903 00000 n 0000032351 00000 n 0000024832 00000 n �� ���UѶ.�U�����ힰ�v��Nwv�̜?��3g�����?bi��X,bKP���!��y!�kE)OA��l�6sYf���������[|j T6@�P�@U/B,X,i����������H�&�xa�� It has been found on altitudes between 30-2200 meter above sea level (asl) in … 0000002151 00000 n 0000021955 00000 n

0000006835 00000 n 0000053562 00000 n %%EOF Atelopus is a large genus of true toads, commonly known as harlequin toads or stubfoot toads, from Central and South America, ranging as far north as Costa Rica and as far south as Bolivia. 0000034285 00000 n None of these species had been observed since the mid 1980s until recently, when an adult female of Atelopus mucubajiensis and several adults of A. cruciger were rediscovered. 0000020935 00000 n 0000029150 00000 n 0000003328 00000 n PLATE 1 Atelopus cruciger adult male sighted at Rı´o Cata (location 4 on Fig. PLATE 1 Atelopus cruciger adult male sighted at Rı´o Cata (location 4 on Fig. Rediscovery of Atelopus cruciger - Argelia Rodrígez-Contreras, J. Celsa Señaris, Margarita Lampo, Ramón Rivero -.Jesús Manzanilla, Enrique La Marca, Ronald Heyer, Ernesto Fernández-Badillo 2004.We respect copyrights and we expect you to do the same with our website and all the diffrent authors that have choosen to let us use their material like photos, videos or information.To build the content of this website we recieved alot help and pictures. 0000053323 00000 n 1000 m above sea level), Estado Aragua, Venezuela". Photo: F. Rojas.

Atelopus cruciger là một loài cóc trong họ Bufonidae.Nó là loài đặc hữu của Venezuela.Trong nhiều năm, loài này được xem là đã tuyệt chủng dù đã có nỗ lực đáng kể tìm kiếm chúng nhưng người ta không phát hiện ra con nào.

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